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Raquel Fernández-Ginés

PhD Student

M.Sc. Immunology Research, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM).
B.Sc. Biochemistry, UCM.

Raquel is currently doing her PhD studies within the Molecular Biosciences program from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. The main objective of her thesis project is to develop new modulators of the NRF2 transcription factor. Her short-term project is the characterization of several derivatives of the isothiocyanate sulforafane (SFN), which is able to cross the blood brain barrier and activate NRF2, reducing the levels of inflammation and oxidant markers. As a model for this study Raquel will use the murine MPTP model and the cellular MPP+ model. This will serve to evaluate: a) the NRF2-inducing potential of the compounds and their cytoprotective properties against oxidizing agents in cellular models; b) their ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and bioavailability in the cerebral parenchyma in mice; c) the induction of phase 2 in the basal ganglia and d) the protection against MPTP as a preclinical model of EP in mice.